Neil Curtis, M.TchLcn, PGradDipEd, PGDipMathEd, DipTch, DipSptRec, CQA, ANZIM

St Mark’s School, Christchurch.

Neil Curtis emailed Kidz Aerobix this incredible Testimonial that we had to include it as a PDF. Click this link for more comments. Testimonial 2014 Neil Curtis

  • It fits within multiple curriculums….. the PE and ARTS and
  • Fun.  Every time you use Jump Jam you see fun verbally, physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.  A stimulus to again improve school and class tone leading ultimately to better learning environments
  • Takes you on a journey.  This comes out of the mouth of students and teachers I have come across.   It is not just about doing a bit of fitness or doing some Jump Jam.  Many actually take a journey that involves dance, music, communication with others and have fun while they are doing it